
Using native modules

Attention: there’s still some work left to do to enable native modules to inject themselves automatically inside react-titanium. For the time being you’ll need to define them in your app code.

Disclaimer: the APIs used in this guide are subject to change till react-titanium reaches 1.0.0.

To use a custom module in react-titanium you have two different paths:

  1. provide a custom, managed component;
  2. register your module’s views as built-in components.

In this guide we’ll see how to register a new component.

If you have any issue following this guide please let me know by creating an issue on GitHub.

Registry APIs

import { registerElement } from 'react-titanium';

The registerElement function

registerElement : (
    tagname : string,
    apiName : string,
    definition : ElementImpl
  ) -> void

Adds a new definition in the registry, stored by tagname and apiName.

  • tagname : String is the one that will be used in JSX expressions and React.createElement().

    If your element ends in *View be sure it must be retained in the tag name.

    Examples are "label" for Titanium.UI.Label and "list" for Titanium.UI.ListView.

  • apiName : String is the name of the native API, usually composed by the module id and class name.

    Examples are Titanium.UI.Label or de.marcelpociot.CollectionView.

  • definition : ElementImpl is an object with methods that define how this component reacts to the typical lifecycle events.

The ElementImpl type

type NativeView = any;

type ElementImpl = {
  factory : (props : any) -> NativeView;
  create? : (
      props : any,
      handlers : any,
      getChildren : () -> [NativeView]
    ) -> NativeView;
  update? : (view, props, handlers) -> void;
  updateContext? : (context) -> any;
  • factory : (props) -> NativeView is a function that given a configuration object props it returns a native view (proxy).
    • props : any the configuration object
    • must return a NativeView
  • create? : (props, handlers, getChildren) is an optional function that given a configuration object props, an object of event listeners handlers and a function getChildren returns a completely composed view.
    • props : any the configuration object
    • handlers : any an object in the form { "click": onClick }
    • getChildren : () -> [NativeView] a function you can call to get the children of this view as specified by the user.
    • must return a rendered NativeView
  • update TODO
  • updateContext TODO


The first thing to do is to understand what kind of custom view your module implements:

  • simple views: views that can be .add()ed to parents, with custom methods or events;
  • simple container views: like the previous ones, but they accept children using the standard Titanium™ APIs (add, remove, removeAllChildren, insertAt);
  • top-level views: they never interfere with other views, such as dialogs or toast notification;
  • top-level container views: like the previous ones but they accept children with the standard Titanium™ APIs, such as windows;
  • complex views: they probably can be .add()ed but they follow their own particular APIs.

Simple Views

TODO: Place an example that uses Ti.SvgView.

Simple Container Views


Top-level Views


Top-level Container Views


Complex Views

TODO: Place an example of implementation for Marcel Pociot’s CollectionView.