
Components Reference

Creating your components

There’s nothing magic in react-titanium that makes it different from other React renderers. You can follow the original documentation, but keep in mind that we’re talking about v0.14.

Using native modules

With little ceremony you can expose your custom native views in react-titanium. Follow the guide and you’ll be up and running in no time. Works for both module developers and consumers.

Non-standard components

Some components require some care to be used correctly. Read the component’s specific documentation to see how to use them.

Full list of components

API Name element
Ti.UI.View view
Ti.UI.ActivityIndicator activityindicator
Ti.UI.Android.SearchView android-searchview
Ti.UI.Button button
Ti.UI.ButtonBar buttonbar
Ti.UI.ImageView image
Ti.UI.Label label
Ti.UI.ListView list
Ti.UI.MaskedImage maskedimage
Ti.UI.Picker picker
Ti.UI.PickerColumn pickercolumn
Ti.UI.PickerRow pickerrow
Ti.UI.ProgressBar progressbar
Ti.UI.ScrollView scroll
Ti.UI.SearchBar searchbar
Ti.UI.Slider slider
Ti.UI.Switch switch
Ti.UI.Tab tab
Ti.UI.TabGroup tabgroup
Ti.UI.TableViewRow tableviewrow
Ti.UI.TableViewSection tableviewsection
Ti.UI.TextArea textarea
Ti.UI.TextField textfield
Ti.UI.WebView webview
Ti.UI.Window window
Ti.UI.iOS.AdView ios-ad
Ti.UI.iOS.CoverFlowView ios-coverflow
Ti.UI.iOS.DocumentViewer ios-documentviewer
Ti.UI.iOS.NavigationWindow ios-navigationwindow
Ti.UI.iOS.TabbedBar ios-tabbedbar
Ti.UI.iPad.Popover ipad-popover

Unimplemented components

Those are non-simple components that require specific care. Just a matter of time! :)

API Name element
Ti.UI.MobileWeb.NavigationGroup mobileweb-navigationgroup
Ti.UI.ScrollableView scrollable
Ti.UI.TableView table
Ti.UI.iOS.SplitWindow ios-splitwindow
Ti.UI.iOS.Toolbar ios-toolbar


Still haven’t decided how to work on those:

  • I should do something with the dialog Ti.UI.AlertDialog
  • I should do something with the dialog Ti.UI.EmailDialog
  • I should do something with the dialog Ti.UI.OptionDialog